Plant Medicine Guidance & Integration Support

Grounded guidance for walking an aligned path with sacred plants.

These 1:1 sessions offer guidance for any point in one’s journey working with sacred plants - be it years into ones path or those who are curious in forming a relationship with the plants. Together, we explore deeper integration, embodiment of their wisdom, and understanding of the transformational experiences that they offer us.

Plant Medicine Guidance & Integration Support

Throughout years of personal study, integration, and navigation of the medicine path, there has been an observation of a lack of grounded support for ceremonial preparation, integration, processing, and overall guidance & listening when it comes to the many complexities and nuances of embarking on the path of working with plant medicines.

Our present culture greatly lacks the community support surrounding the monumental initiations that this path may hold, as well as the reverent understanding for the strength that they contain.

These intimate 1:1 Sessions are rooted in a perspective that is holistic & trauma-informed, and may cover topics such as — clarity on safety or questions for those prior to embarking on the transformative path of working with plants, preparation & integration tools and guidance, or more nuanced mentorship concerning energetic changes, initiations, post-traumatic experiences, dream analysis and support for those at the beginnings of their journey along the medicine path.

Together, we create a container for you to feel seen & heard along your path to greater embodiment, empowerment and healing, as well as to provide you with the necessary knowledge, tools & resources to walk in right-relation with the plants.

My personal experience rests in years of study in the Peruvian Amazon with great-grandmothers in the Shipibo-Konibo lineage, working in the ancestral tradition of master plant dietas, or sama.

It is an honor to be a bridge between traditions for those who feel aligned to this journey.

Who this can support

I support those in all stages and walks of working with plant medicine, coming with questions, curiosity, and seeking clarity surrounding preparation, integration, and guidance.

Those recognizing the necessary intentionality surrounding building a conscious relationship of reciprocity with the plants.

For those whom understand and respect the importance of education, safety, and intentionality in working with sacred plants by way of the original carriers of these medicines.

If you are navigating the complexities of integration & how to distill the teachings & wisdom of the plants into an embodied state of being.

Those seeking a non-judgmental, trauma informed, compassionate and understanding space to discuss the profound, and sometimes challenging, changes in life-path, nuances, complexities and even post-experience disorientation, that can come with working with plant medicines and holding sacred plant dietas.

This container is for those who respectfully acknowledge the importance of holding Indigenous wisdom up against the nuances of cultural appropriation, extractivism, and commodification of medicine traditions, and who wish to engage with these traditions with reverence & reciprocity.

For your clarity

  • 1:1 Mentorship sessions talk-based in nature and guided by deep listening & compassionate communication.

    All sessions are 60 minutes and take place over FaceTime or Zoom.

    In person sessions are available for those local to areas surrounding Sonoma, California if desired.

    60 min, $120

  • For plant medicine mentorship I offer both container sessions as well as single sessions. I find that a container is beneficial when working with a process with the medicine, for instance, being able to divide sessions between preparation and integration, or for when navigating a large process that evolves week to week.

    A container also includes 1:1 communication via Telegram between our sessions as well for additional support and resources.

  • Ceremonial preparation or integration. Intention setting. Verbal processing of experiences. Dream discussion & analysis. Preparation for dieta. Q & A regarding dieta and is it right for me. Supportive tools for integration process. Support in maintaining connection to plants, ceremonial experience or dieta. Processing of challenging experiences. Support in embodying lessons from the medicine. Deeper understanding of how the medicine works with us.

  • Olivia's primary scope of knowledge and greatest lived experience is in with the Shipibo Konibo tradition of working with ayahuasca and master plant dietas. She may offer support for the preparation and integration of other medicines as well, but languaging surrounding her support is through this lens.

Kind Words