1:1 Mentorship

An integrative & holistic approach to support through all walks of life.

1:1 Mentorship is a 4 week container where we co-create a space for coming into deeper embodiment, sovereignty, autonomy & empowerment of your true essence through nurturing the spirit that runs through you.

Pillars of Care




One of the most foundational aspects of healing is to be authentically seen and heard exactly as you are showing up in that moment. When we are listened to & learn to listen to ourselves, we can hear the subtle nuances of our intuition and inner-guidance more deeply. Through a safe container that is free of judgement, we may hear ourselves in a way we hadn’t before, illuminating space for greater insights to emerge.

These mentorship programs support those in all stages of their personal healing journeys as well as those navigating their professional practice as a healing arts practitioner.

01. The Intuitive Compass Mentorship

For those at any stage of their personal healing journeys. This container is for those that are in commitment to their own deep inner work at any point in life.

Sessions are talk-based and listening-forward in nature with compassionate guidance that may be coupled alongside either in-person or distance reiki in order to untangle the patterns within that create stagnancy in our lives. Together, we hold the intention of illuminating greater spaciousness for navigating the nuances of a healing path.

This is a space for heart-centered transformation that begins within. We co-create a space for greater expansion to emerge through cultivating deeper self awareness, reflection, and connection with the self & the Earth.

Olivia’s intention with this mentorship is to meet you with compassionate listening, grounded guidance, & resources to bring you into your highest alignment while feeling seen & heard exactly as you are.

For your clarity

  • 1:1 Mentorship sessions talk-based in nature and guided by deep listening & compassionate communication.

    All sessions are 60 minutes and take place over FaceTime or Zoom.

    In person sessions are available for those local to areas surrounding Sonoma, California if desired.

    4 session container $480

    Available as payments of $120 / session as well

  • This mentorship is a 4 session container, with the option to extend in single sessions beyond the initial 4 sessions.

    We will meet every other week. This allows for us to form a relationship with one another and check in with progress or any challenges.

    On-going support via text or voice notes is included between sessions as well.

    • Cultivation of tools & practices to ground, find clarity, and connect more deeply to your self and intuition

    • Practices to restore balance & harmony in ones body, mind & spirit

    • Personal healing journey

    • Spirituality

    • Connection to nature, the Earth & self

    • Boundary setting practices & deeper understanding of personal boundaries

    • Communication tools

    • Relationships - deepening love, communication, navigating relational transitions, break ups & separations, and more

    • Feminine sexuality, womb healing & intimate alignment

    • Eating disorders & cultivating a relationship with ones body

    • Gentle herbal support & building a relationship with plant allies

    • Dream work, how to connect more deeply and understand the messages coming through your dreams

    • In-person or distance reiki available in conjunction with mentorship for additional support

  • This mentorship offers compassionate listening, guidance, and support for those who are desiring a safe landing space to feel more deeply seen & understood.

    This is coupled with the cultivation of tools, resources and energetic support to help connect you more deeply with your own intuitive compass.

02. The Healing Arts Mentorship

I created this mentorship to offer support to other women that are at any point in their journey of birthing their own business, whether that is in the healing arts practices, holistic beauty spaces, product-based businesses, or something else entirely.

My personal journey has bridged multiple scopes of practice and transformed over and over again as I have grown & changed as well. Over the years, I’ve picked up the wisdom and perspective that I wished I had when I was just beginning, and felt a desire to offer that support and guidance to others. Together, we recognize that you are not separate from your business, and that through weaving in greater personal clarity and authenticity internally, that will reflect in your work as well.

This 1:1 Mentorship can support those at any point of their professional journeys and looking for deeper support, reflection, and inspiration. The intention of this container at its very core, is to be able to hold you along the path of sharing the medicine of your practice with your community. This space is for those who are desiring external perspective, to have somebody create accountability with, and move through feelings of being blocked within your business.

In working together, we align with the ways in which our personal healing journey weaves together in how we express our call to service with the world.

For your clarity

  • 1:1 Mentorship sessions talk-based in nature and guided by deep listening & compassionate communication.

    All sessions are 60 minutes and take place over FaceTime or Zoom.

    In person sessions are available for those local to areas surrounding Sonoma, California if desired.

    4 session container $480

    Available as payments of $120 / session as well

  • This mentorship is a 4 session container, with the option to extend in single sessions beyond the initial 4 sessions.

    We will meet every other week. This allows for us to form a relationship with one another and check in with progress or any challenges.

    On-going support via text or voice notes is included between sessions as well.

    • Brainstorm and inspiration sessions, having somebody to bounce ideas off of

    • Creation of accountability within your business

    • Goal setting and timeline formation

    • Creation of systems for organization

    • Branding & aesthetic consulting

    • Cultivation of authentic & aligned community, building trust within your community as your authentic self

    • Allowing your personality to shine through your business

    • Figuring out how offerings flow together, clarity on what your offerings look like

    • Moving through feelings of being blocked within your business

    • Accessing your WHY

    • Additional support available for copywriting, web design & support, setting up email automations, social media consulting, etc.

  • Olivia's personal experience rests in the creation of multiple in-person and remote businesses, in the realms of holistic beauty & the healing arts.

    She has experience in 1:1 in-person client work through multiple modalities of healing work & bodywork, creation of consistent clientele, operating and growing her in-person services through both word of mouth and online platforms. She also has experience in starting & running a product based e-commerce business through her brand Earth Archive, and can offer support to those seeking to create a product business from the ground up as a single person operation.

Kind Words