Intuitive Healing Sessions

Unfolding the layers of the self to access greater insight, wisdom, balance, and peace.

Olivia works intimately in one-on-one healing sessions that weave together Reiki, Earth-centric cleansing modalities, and gentle somatic bodywork in a compassionate, feminine and nurturing container.

Pillars of Care




Intuitive Healing Sessions

Intuitive Healing Sessions are a 1:1 container that is uniquely channeled to the individual, intuitively guided and co-creative in nature. These sessions are a soft & gentle landing place to receive whatever is needed at the time of our meeting. Each session is divinely guided by the innate wisdom of your Body, Heart & Spirit, and is a safe space to simply be with what is.

These sessions are held in the frequency of warmth, gentle-heartedness, nourishment and inviting receptivity. This is a safe container that is non-judgmental and sacred, where all states of being that may be present are welcomed as the precious expressions that they are.

After years of offering a variety of healing & bodywork modalities, Olivia’s practice has transformed and settled into an integration of her knowledge, fully tailored to each individual she works with. These sessions may include Reiki, localized somatic bodywork techniques, abdominal unwinding, and Earth-centric modalities such as cleansing & harmonizing with mapacho, plant baths, or healing song. Further suggestions may be made on practices to connect more deeply with the self & nature, or herbal recommendations to continue supporting your healing process.

Each session begins by connecting with one another, coming into an energy of openness, sharing, tenderness & heart-centered compassion. A specific intention can be brought to our time together to guide the nature of our 1:1 container.

The guiding prayer held by Olivia within our work together is that you may always return home to the truth of your being. May you always be reminded of your worth, beauty, and the unconditional love that flows through you.

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